We always tend to hear nice things about our covers, but this month’s two selections have brought quite a number of well-deserved compliments.
Selah, Washington, artist Rob Blackaby’s “Wine Country Twilight,” which we displayed on our February 1 issue, is a brilliant depiction of the vineyards that grace the Yakima Valley region. I love the light on the far-off hills, the trees, the vines—all captured so magnificently by Blackaby’s brush strokes.
The light is striking as well in Mosier, Oregon, photographer David Cobb’s photograph of Oregon’s iconic Hood River Valley on our February 15 cover. It’s a powerful image—gorgeous orchards and a bright, beautiful pink sky frame Mount Hood, so familiar to residents of the Pacific Northwest, in a new light.
For more of Blackaby’s work, visit robblackaby.com. You’ll find more photos from Cobb, a regular contributor to Good Fruit Grower (we have another of his photos on tap for an upcoming issue), at dmcobbphoto.com. Thanks to both for letting us share their great work.
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