Buyer’s Guide

Featured stories about buyer’s guide appear in this issue.

In My View – Chris Zanobini

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

The second World Pear Congress was held in May in Sint-Truiden, the main pear-producing area in Belgium. This unique all-pear meeting brought together over 150


August 1st, 2009|Comments Off on Classified

BIRD CONTROL EFFECTIVE AND AFFORDABLE netting for bird control from Neal Carter & Associates, Ltd. Nets are available for cherries, grapes, and other crops in

New peach varieties

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

FlavrBurst has less acidity than typical peach varieties. SummerFest and FlavrBurst are two new peach varieties created by fruit breeder Dr. Ralph Scorza at the

Bee parasite sequenced

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

U.S. Department of Agriculture scientists at the Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, have sequenced the genome of a parasite called Nosema ceranae that can

Good Point – Larry Lutz

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

So, this is where it all began—the North American apple industry, that is. Apples have been grown in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley since the French

Apple Lines – Todd Fryhover

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

Adversity provides opportunity. This is the mantra for the 2008–2009 Washington apple season. We're facing a world economic downturn, plummeting foreign currency exchange rates, import

Buyer’s Guide Listings – 2009-2010

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

INDUSTRY SUPPLIERS BY CATEGORY •CA/Cold Storage •Fertilizers/Nutrition •Harvest Equipment •Irrigation/Frost Control •Nursery Stock •Pest Management •Postharvest Equipment •Production Equipment •Supplies/Services •Tree Training INDUSTRY SUPPLIERS ALPHABETICALLY

Wine with a cause

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

Winery owners Stacy Lill (left) and Kathy Johanson provide mentoring and scholarships for young women. The idea was hatched on Halloween night, 2006. Over dinner

Quick Bites

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

EQIP deadline The Natural Resources Conservation Service has funds to help growers meet the cost of implementing conservation practices, including the installation of windbreaks and

Good to Go

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

Honeybee health Honeybee specialists and native pollinator experts from around the country will discuss bee health and disease research during the Western Apicultural Society's annual

In the Box

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

Dear Good Fruit Grower: Over the years, being in Connecticut and trying to equate the delight fruit testers experience in western orchards with tree-ripe fruit,

Good Stuff

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

Tunnel tour Haygrove Tunnels is organizing a tour to the United Kingdom to give U.S. growers an opportunity to see tunnels used on British farms.

Good Point – Jennifer Witherbee

August 1st, 2009|0 Comments

It's almost time to send the Washington Apple Education Foundation's 2009 crop of scholarship winners off on their college adventures. I am excited to report