Project Description
Featured stories covering diseases appear in this issue.
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Learning on the go: 2014 IFTA Italy
Dr. Terence Robinson finds a captive class on the bus.
Munckhof machine makes inroads: 2014 IFTA Italy
The harvest machine is widely used around the world but has only recently been sold in the United States.
Research on rot is under way
Plant pathologist is working to determine if pruning and spraying crab apple trees effectively controls postharvest rots.
Red blotch knowledge grows
The search continues for possible vectors.
Armillaria resistance explored
Amur chokecherry, used as a rootstock, may protect stone fruits from Armillaria.
Mildew threatens cherries all season
Cherries become increasingly susceptible during the growing season.
60 years in pears
Fred Valentine’s philosophy is that exchanging ideas benefits everyone.
A vocal tree-fruit advocate
Fred Valentine has always had growers’ interests at heart.
Flavor reigns at Andy’s Orchard
Andy Mariani and his tree-ripened fruit have a cult-like following.
New era in fire blight control
Organic growers face future without antibiotics for fire blight control.
Fire blight can spread quickly
George Sundin Scientists know quite a lot about fire blight. Its basic source is in cankers from previous infections. The bacteria overwinter there.
Getting the most out of CougarBlight
Model helps assess and forecast fire blight risk.
Stark Bro’s testing new apple Scarlet Star
Scarlet Star is being offered to growers by Stark Bro’s, which will add it to its catalog this year. Richard Lehnert/Good Fruit Grower
Calvin Mercer, Young Grower from Alderdale, Washington
grower / Alderdale, Washington age / 36 crops / wine grapes business / Austin Sharp Vineyards other experience / After graduating from Washington
Valent to market Asana insecticide in U.S.
Sumitomo Chemical Company has acquired DuPont’s Asana insecticide business in the United States. Asana (esfenvalerate) will be distributed through Valent U.S.A., a subsidiary of Sumitomo.
Early testing shows promise in using lasers to scare birds
AÂ test conducted by a consulting company in The Netherlands shows that laser beams are an effective way to scare birds away from orchards. The company,