Washington City V
● Brian Grunenfelder has been named a deputy assistant USTR for agricultural affairs. He leaves his current trade policy job
● Brian Grunenfelder has been named a deputy assistant USTR for agricultural affairs. He leaves his current trade policy job
● There have been glimmerings of activity this week on the long-stagnate immigration front. The Agricultural Coalition for Immigration Reform
One part of my job is to read published reports that might have an influence on our tree fruit industry.
● The Environmental Working Group, a national nonprofit that detests the use of agricultural chemicals, has once again announced its
● With 30 people dead and about 3,000 ill, the German food safety incident is a major event. Beyond those
I normally do not spend much work—or leisure—time thinking about the U.S. Department of Commerce. The past several days, have
● Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of Arizona to pass a law that would punish employers for
● Rifling through cable channels last night I came across the surrealistic sight of CNN host Eliot Spitzer intently discussing
● President Obama yesterday was in El Paso, Texas, to give a major address on immigration: he called on Congress
● Leon Panetta was announced by President Obama today to be his nominee as the next Secretary of Defense. If