California farmer tells cautionary tale for Washington ag — Video
Cherry Institute speaker warns Washington to not follow California on policies.
Cherry Institute speaker warns Washington to not follow California on policies.
WSU research updates and expands codling moth trap guidelines.
Oregon cherry grower favors steep leader but encourages execution over system.
WA 38 volume reaches year-round market levels.
America’s southern neighbor makes an attractive fruit export market.
New cost-of-production budgets from WSU show challenges apple growers face for economic stability.
Growers grapple with Washington juice-grape cash price that continues to decline.
Northwest growers face a 2.9 percent rise, many other regions see steeper increases.
As sterile codling moth applications grow in Washington, so do questions about the conditions under which the treatment performs well.
By crunching apple growers’ financial records, Northwest Horticultural Council hopes to draw attention to critical need for H-2A policy reform.