
Jonelle Mejica

About Jonelle Mejica

Jonelle Mejica joined the Good Fruit Grower staff in 2018 as a writer and copy editor for online and print stories, and she also manages the magazine's English and Spanish websites. She holds a bachelor's degree in journalism and has been working in Washington's agriculture industry since 1995. Connect with the author: Phone: (509) 853-3512 -- Email

Survey to help develop sustainability metrics for Pacific Northwest apple industry

2024-03-20T10:20:39-07:00February 1st, 2024|Apples, Jonelle Mejica, March 15th 2024 Issue, Quick Bite, Research, Updates|

Apple growers in the Pacific Northwest are needed to participate in a survey that will support the development of a life cycle assessment and help develop region-specific solutions to address climate change challenges...

Five-minute survey to help steer the future of Washington tree fruit industry

2023-08-17T11:53:37-07:00August 17th, 2023|Apples, Cherries, Jonelle Mejica, Pears, Stone fruits, Technology and equipment, Updates|

The Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission is developing a new tree fruit technology roadmap and needs grower input to help determine the industry’s top technology-related priorities...