Precision decisions
From the Good Fruit Grower archives: Thinning apples with more confidence.
From the Good Fruit Grower archives: Thinning apples with more confidence.
Washington state regulators have finalized special permit requirements for composters seeking to transport feed stocks outside the apple maggot quarantine
Years after invading from Asia, the insect is emerging as an apple tree pest.
Burying a spare cane provides insurance against very hard winters.
Old practice finds new application by solving modern problems in apples.
Experimental design doubled Concord grape yields last year.
Growers facing difficulties with both juice and wine grapes.
Michigan State researcher thinks mutations will help identify genes governing apple quality traits.
Older orchards can be repurposed to new uses or topworked to new varieties.
Treated properly, stored Honeycrisp can maintain quality nine months and longer.