The California Specialty Crops Council will hold its 2016 MRL Harmonization Workshop June 1-2 in San Francisco.

The interactive seminar based on maximum residue levels (MRLs) will address critically important issues for stakeholders with interests in exporting agricultural products. Registrants, growers, packers, California Specialty Crops Council logoshippers, PCAs, regulators, trade experts, and other stakeholders in international trade are strongly encouraged to attend.

Presentation topics include: international trade trends, global registrations, pesticide residue monitoring, MRL strategies for growers, updates for international residue standards, global MRL challenges, and research reports regarding the impacts of residues.

Jay Vroom, President of CropLife America, will kick off the workshop discussing “How Modern Agriculture Reduces Food Waste and the Role of MRL Harmonization.” International presenters from the European Union, Korea, Chile, Brazil, India and Canada will report on the latest MRL requirements for these major trade destinations. A Codex update will be presented by David Miller of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Health Effects Division.

The conference will be held at Hyatt Fisherman’s Wharf, 555 N. Point St., San Francisco. Online pre-registration is required by May 25. The registration fee is $425 by April 15 and $475 after that date.

For all meeting, hotel information and an updated agenda go to