EFFECTIVE AND AFFORDABLE netting for bird control from Neal Carter & Associates, Ltd. Nets are available for cherries, grapes, and other crops in a range of widths, sizes, and colors. Applicators, pegs, and custom nets are also for sale, www.farmsolutions.net. 250-494-1099. 50953
WILSON IS THE LEADER in custom bird netting programs for all types of crops. Full line of bangers and bird irritant items. Call 509-453-9983. 49074
BLUEBERRY NURSERY STOCK: world’s leading grower Since 1978. Best selection of proven varieties for all regions. Order now for fall 2009/ spring 2010. Exceptional service. Focus is customer success. Fall Creek Nursery, www.fallcreeknursery.com, 800-538-3001 51013
FOR RENT: Regular or CA Storage for 2009. Crop dipping services available on site, Mattawa , Washington. 509-932-5818. 50996
OMRI CERTIFIED DAIRY compost. Large and small orders welcome. Spreading available. 509-527-0526. 50987
VINEYARD CONSULTING: Northwest. Vineyard consulting beginning 2009 vintage. Crop estimates, field scouting, etc. Customized programs available. www.vineyardconsultingnw.com, 509-521-4857. 50421
GALLTROL: The most effective prevention of crown gall disease for 30 years! Unlike other crown gall control products that are made overseas and months prior, GALLTROL is produced DAILY in our California laboratory. Each plate of GALLTROL contains over 120 billion freshly-grown, vigorous bacterial cells that aggressively colonize wounds to block infection. For GALLTROL, call 530-586-1561; www.agbiochem.com or email: steveglennon1@gmail.com. 49090
NOGALL: ADVANCED SOLUTION for Crown Gall control. Easier to handle, prepare, and apply. Increased shelf life and temperature tolerance. Reducedrisk of biocontrol breakdown. Available from New BioProducts, Inc., at 541-752-2045; www.newbioproducts.com. 49102
ALUMINUM ORCHARD LADDER repair: We repair all brands of aluminum ladders. Tallman factory authorized. Call for drop off locations or pick-up. 509-884-1750 or 509-669-2822. 50954
FIND EQUIPMENT for your farming operation at Wilson’s. www.farmit again.com. Used equipment, buy and sell. 49121
LEASE ONE offers equipment financing, $10,000 to $1 million, new, used, or buy back. Up to $70,000 on application only. Quick approvals. Flexible pay. 509-454-4701 or 509-961-4928. gwelch1009@aol.com. 50955
STAN PETERSON FRUIT Tree Sales, representing the nation’s premier fruit tree nurseries to serve you, the grower, with the best. The newest apple varieties, sweet and tart cherries, peaches and more. 888-333-1464, stan@fruit treesales.com. 50738
PROFESSIONAL GRAFTING and service. Small and large acreage. 17 years’ experience. Jose Mendez, 509-584-0034 or (mobile) 509-949-1321. 50957
COATES GRAFTING COMPANY: Orchard and vineyard grafting. Over 30 years’ experience. Ken Coates, 509-662-1882. 50959
GRAFTING AND BUDDING supplies. Two types graft machines, waxes, budding rubbers. Top of the line grafting knives, on-line www.wilsonirr.com, 509-453-9983. 49145
FULL SERVICE FIELD grafting including chainsawing. Over 25 years’ experience with practically same crew for over 15 years. Gary McMonagle Grafting. 509-669-1686. 50958
FISH SCREENS: Compliant self-cleaning intake screens, many sizes available. Custom Technology, 800-333-5246, www.customtechnology.net.
FRUITSTAND AND ORCHARD for sale. All varieties of fruit. Well-established business, major highway location, Chelan County, Washington. Refrigeration packing shed, barn, and housing, room for expansion. Commercial property. Serious inquiries, $850,000. 509-784-2500. Additional 5 acres for sale. 50961
CLARK JENNINGS & Associates. See our ad on page ?? for current listings. 50992
WILSON IS YOUR SOURCE for all types of fabric and plastics used in farming. Shade, wind screens, greenhouse films, and mulches. 509-453-9983. 49179
WILSON’S HIGH SPANISH STYLE greenhouse tunnels. Early and increased production and crop protection. www.growtunnel.com. 1-800-232-1174. 49164
FOR SALE: MAJOR DISCOUNT– Nest/Stack Ropak Harvesting Lugs. Herb Barber & Sons, 800-388-5384 or 716-326-4692, e-mail: sue@herb-barber-sons.com; www.herb-barber-sons .com/ropak.htm. Used lugs available. 50293
CHERRY SORTING TABLE and bag line for sale. 38-feet long, 30-inch wide belt, 6-inch cull belt, with 10 cull chutes and 7 bagging chutes. Half-hp, 3-phase variable speed drive, good condition and clean. $6,000. 541-386-2183. Hood River. 50744
AUTOLINE SIZER WITH mapping color sorter. 5-lane, 43 drops, brush let downs. $80,000. Additional equipment available. 509-421-0931. 50771
HURST INTERNATIONAL PLU labeler LH-300 heads in original plywood box. Garrett 509-985-8327. 50288
FOR SALE: TWO NEW stainless steel CFUs, one used stainless steel CFU, one used Nolan repackager. Nolan & Sons Northwest, Inc. 509-248-8217 or 509-658-2604. 50790
64 ft 12″ NORTHWEST conveyor belt, 36 ft x 12 ft Van Doren conveyor belt, drive ends and idler ends; 60 ft. Van Doren 2 chain box conveyor, 2 gates, 4 corners, drive ends and idler ends, all have drive motors; 50 ft. skate wheel track. $2,500 or best offer. Milton-Freewater, OR, 503-869-4503.
TRECO® ROOTSTOCKS mean quality. Buy from the industry leader. TRECO has supplied 60 percent of the nation’s malus rootstock needs to the nurseries for more than 65 years. Go directly to the source and buy the rootstocks trusted and preferred by the major nurseries: TRECO; PO Box 98, Woodburn, OR 97071. Phone: 1-800-871-5141; fax: 503-634-2344; e-mail: rootstocks@treco.nu or Web site: www.treco.nu. 50964
COPENHAVEN FARMS NURSERY. “We’re at the Root of The Business.” Quality Oregon-grown rootstock and seedlings for fruit, flowering, and shade trees. Specializing in virus-free apple, cherry, plum, and pear rootstock since 1982. Christopher and Marilyn Dolby 503-985-7161 Fax: 503-985-7876. E-mail: copenhavenfarms@ comcast.net, www.copenhavenfarms .com. 50965
FIRDALE NURSERY, certified apple rootstocks: EMLA 7, EMLA 26, EMLA 106, EMLA 111, M 9 (337) and BUD 9. Wholesale only please. Beaverton, Oregon. 503-628-2755. 50995
CARLTON PLANTS, LLC is a quality grower of virus-certified rootstocks and seedlings for fruit, flowering, and shade trees. Apple: M9-NIC®, M26, M7, M25, MM106, MM111, domestic. Cherry: Mazzard, Mahaleb. Pear: calleryana, communis. Plum: M29C, St. Julian. For questions or to place an order, please call our sales department, 800-398-8733 or fax 800-442-1452. 50963
WILLAMETTE NURSERIES offers Oregon-grown, virus-certified fruit tree rootstock, including popular 9 clones and fruit tree seedlings (apple, cherry, pear & plum.) Excellent quality, reasonably priced. Outstanding service. Visit our updated website, including availabilities, at: www.willamette nurseries.com. Willamette Nurseries, 25571 S. Barlow Rd., Canby, OR 97013. 800-852-2018, 503-263-6405, E-mail: willamette@canby.com . 50970
TRIDENT AGRICULTURAL Products, Inc. Specializing in soil fumigation for orchards, vineyards, nurseries, and other crops. Hood River or The Dalles, 971-563-8848; Yakima and Columbia Basin, 509-728-2004; Wenatchee and Northwest Washington, 360-630-4285. 49367
CUSTOM ORCHARD FUMIGATION. Replanting? Call now to schedule your 2009 applications. 509-687-9572, Manson, Washington. 49201
QUALITY PAYS—PRINCETON Wood Preservers pressure-treated posts, poles. Quoted by truckload. #10-477 Martin St., Penticton, B.C. V2A 5L2. Plant phone: 250-492-9190, fax: 250-492-9175, toll free, 877-797-7678. E-mail: e.everitt@shaw.ca; Web: www .pwppost.com. 49246
POSTS, POLES, and STAKES: Various sizes and lengths available. Pressure treated or untreated. Jasper Enterprises, Inc.; PO Box 102, Chattaroy, WA 99003; phone 800-238-6540; or e-mail sales@jasper-inc.com. 49231
Panhandle FOREST PRODUCTS: Quality posts, poles, and stakes. CCA pressure-treated, with delivery. Partial loads. 888-289-7678; www.panhan dle.com. 49216
STEEL APPLE and grape trellis. Custom systems available. Bamboo, treated wood, top of the line quality and service. On-line catalog. Wilson Vineyard and Orchard Supply, Yakima, Washington. 509-453-9983, www .wilsonirr.com. 49261
TREE SPREADERS: Steel points, plus two notched styles. Great prices! Also sell spreader stock for you-make. Cedarbrook Lumber, 509-782-2447, 800-634-6334. 49291
BEST PRICING: notched and nailed. Wilson, 509-453-9983. 49382
TREE SPREADERS: Lowest possible prices 4″ to 48″ steel points. Notched spreaders (order only). We ship nationwide. MC and Visa accepted. Yakima Specialties, Inc.; 1819 West “J” Street, Yakima, WA 98902. 509-453-0386 or 800-466-0387. 49306
TREE TRAINING and trellis supplies on-line at www.wilsonirr.com. 49276
FENCING, 25 years’ experience. Orchard and vineyard post pounding. AMS Fence, 1-800-676-9362. 50966
CHINOOK WIND MACHINES, sales/ service. All makes, new/used. H.F. Hauff Company, Inc., 509-248-0318. 49322
CASCADE WIND MACHINE Service, distributor of Orchard-Rite® wind machines. PO Box 9308, Yakima, WA 98909, phone 509-457-9196; Wenatchee, WA 509-662-2753; British Columbia, 604-495-7873. 49337
WIND MACHINE SALES: sales/service, new and used wind machines. 509-877-2138. 49352
APPLE WOOD ONLY wanted. Tree lengths preferred. Why pay to have it ground or burned when you can sell it? timothy_barker@msn.com; 425-417-3600. 50138