Our latest stories about crop management:
Wanted: Codling moth larvae dead, not alive
Codling moth management failures are traced to emerging resistance to granulovirus in two Washington populations.
IFTA annual meeting starts off with precision crop load
The Precision Apple Cropload Management project is nearing completion, and project leader and Cornell University horticulture professor Terence Robinson is ready to share some results...
Stub cut considerations
Ideal stub length depends on variety, vigor and other factors.
Adoption hurdles for vineyard automation
Washington State Grape Society speakers discuss implementing sensor-based irrigation.
Making an estate winery work in northern Ohio
Growers adding up the acres and successes.
Picking a winning cherry system
Oregon cherry grower favors steep leader but encourages execution over system.
Fruit growers facing a future climate now
South African growers routinely navigate heat and water stress as they modernize their orchard systems, and growers around the world can learn from them in the face of a changing global climate.
Hansen: Supporting sustainability
Washington wine industry research supports long-term vineyard solutions.
Lighting the way to pathogen control in the packing house
Researchers explore use of ultraviolet light on packing lines.
‘Granny’ helps guide apple storage decisions
New computer program rates apple starch sampling, offering warehouses more efficiency and researchers more precision.
Connecting the dots for successful fruit storage
Scientists continue to explore causes of fruit storage outcomes.
Postharvest pointers for pear growers
Hort Show speakers share pear storage advice.
Fruit production in sunny South Africa
Solar panels and orchards soak up the South African sunshine, which powers the region’s $1 billion export-focused tree fruit industry.
Taking fungicide application from a drench to a drizzle
A field application of postharvest fungicide using a single pass of water can reduce cross-contamination risks.
Tough calls to be made for profitable cherry production
Cherry pruning, systems and harvest come down to stark economic factors.
Fresh transitions for Michigan cherry growers
Michigan growers tightening sweet cherry plantings.
Removing leaves and retracting netting both boost apple color
Two methods prove effective in Washington State University study.
Old Mission makeover from trees to vines
Couple provides crucial vineyard management on Michigan peninsula.
Next-gen nutrition for vineyards
Scientists making progress on the puzzle pieces for a precision approach to fertilizer applications that could improve grape quality, protect the environment and save growers money.
South Africa study tour starts with shade-netted stone fruit
In the stone fruit production region around Stellenbosch, South Africa, it’s regularly over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (or 40 Celsius, if you want to sound like a local) during harvest...
EXPO preview: Talking about your regeneration
Great Lakes EXPO speaker shares approaches to regenerate your soil, your plants and your bottom line.
Leading by listening: 2024 Good Fruit Grower of the Year
A mix of people skills and horticultural expertise earn Tom Gausman of AgriMACS in Chelan, Washington, the 2024 Grower of the Year award from Good Fruit Grower.
Seeing the big picture: 2024 Good Fruit Grower of the Year
Tom Gausman shares lessons on developing large orchards.
Rise of the orchard manager: 2024 Good Fruit Grower of the Year
Outside investment and increased need for management mark Grower of the Year Tom Gausman’s career.
Precision prescription for vineyard researcher
U.S. Department of Agriculture hires an ag engineer for new viticulture research role for the Northwest wine industry.
North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days Jan. 21–23 and Feb. 6
Washington State University Tree Fruit Extension announced in a news release its annual Tree Fruit Day programs in North Central Washington...
Washington State Grape Society honors industry leaders at annual meeting
Among the presentations on topics such as technology, pest control and industry economics, the Washington State Grape Society bestowed industry awards on Nov. 21 at its annual meeting in Grandview...
Trellis tryout for peach production
Ohio growers share experiences with planar peach plantings.
Change of hue for Washington vineyards
As Washington’s red wine grape tide falls, whites are on the rise.
Hansen: Winterizing wine grapes
Practices to prepare vineyards for dormancy under study at Washington State University.