The future for irrigators and automation — Video
Veteran irrigators still have a role in the automation of water delivery systems, panel says.
Veteran irrigators still have a role in the automation of water delivery systems, panel says.
Tree fruit industry researchers, growers and technology vendors have selected a young, modern apple orchard near Mattawa, Washington, for the next iteration of the Smart Orchard Project...
Technology panels highlight morning sessions on Day 2 of Washington Hort Show.
Climate similarities between Spain and Central Washington spark varietal visions.
Nova Scotia growers share some key characteristics of Canadian-bred apple.
Washington State University Extension announced in a news release the 2023 Virtual Orchard Meetup summer series of webinars...
Washington State University researchers share conclusions of two-year study into the use of plant-based sensors to guide irrigation.
Italian researcher uses netting to cut back on irrigation.
Concords do just fine with less water, just in case you have less someday.
Swindeman family succeeds despite distance from the rest of the state’s apple industry.