Apple industry investigating benefits of dynamic storage technology
Grant will support research into best practices for dynamic controlled atmosphere storage.
Grant will support research into best practices for dynamic controlled atmosphere storage.
Successful storage of Washington cherries needs more study. Washington State University’s Carolina Torres is leading the way.
Low-pressure storage chambers extend blueberry storage six weeks for Washington farm.
Washington State University cherry breeding team ready for data from new sorting line.
Nova Scotia studies ethylene inhibitors in Honeycrisp and Ambrosia.
After decades of labor-intensive stone fruit packing, Douglas Fruit makes the jump to modern technology.
Clemson University food safety study focuses on dry packing-line surfaces.
The Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission, on behalf of the Fresh Pear Committee and Processed Pear Committee, invites everyone interested
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has awarded Washington state $4.7 million to support specialty crop projects in 2022. The Washington
Learning from past harvests helps Washington apple industry prepare for this year’s WA 38 harvest and handling.