Soil nutrition

Annual New York fruit tour highlights precision crop load management

2022-08-11T16:24:27-07:00August 10th, 2022|Apples, Crop management, Matt Milkovich, Pest Management, Soil nutrition, Technology and equipment, Updates|

Precision crop load management and the computer vision technology that is gradually improving its accuracy was a major topic during the Cornell Cooperative Extension Lake Ontario Fruit Program’s annual summer fruit tour held in Orleans County, New York, on Aug. 9.

Heat stress one of the hot topics at Smart Orchard field day

2022-07-29T12:35:34-07:00July 28th, 2022|Apples, Crop management, Irrigation, Jonelle Mejica, Research, Soil nutrition, Technology and equipment, Updates|

A hearty group of about 50 growers, industry professionals and researchers gathered under the hot sun — and in the shade, where they could find it — in Grandview, Washington, for a Smart Orchard field day held July 26 in English and July 27 in Spanish.