We want to keep the community informed of any industry-related events. Tell us about an event you'd like to add. If it meets our criteria, we'll post it!
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PickTrace labor data webinar
Webinar: Using Your Labor Data to Reduce Labor Cost. Join us on January 6th for a webinar focused on reducing […]
Biopesticides for Fire Blight Management (webinar)
Spotted Lanternfly Washington State Action Plan webinar
Fire Blight Pruning and Sanitation (webinar)
Virtual Orchard Meetup webinar series: Cold
Virtual Orchard Meetup webinar series: Water
Virtual Orchard Meetup webinar series: Heat
Using Weather and Environmental Conditions to Optimize Biologicals and Biopesticides for Bloom Protection (webinar)
Inside Looking Out: IPM Practices for Tree Fruit in Washington State — WSDA webinar
The Washington State Department of Agriculture Plant Protection Division and Yakima County Pest Board are proud to present the 4th
Virtual Orchard Meetup Program: Trends in Water Availability
For more information, go to: https://treefruit.wsu.edu/event/2023-virtual-orchard-meetup-summer-series-managing-the-uncontrollable/2024-06-06