We want to keep the community informed of any industry-related events. Tell us about an event you'd like to add. If it meets our criteria, we'll post it!
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Great Lakes EXPO (virtual)
The Great Lakes EXPO will be held online Dec. 8 to 10. For more information, go to: https://glexpo.com
International Forum of Agricultural Robotics (virtual event)
International Forum of Agricultural Robotics (FIRA) virtual event
Processed Pear Committee nominations
Nominations for positions on the Washington/Oregon Processed Pear Committee will take place during the Columbia Gorge Fruit Growers Assn. annual grower/handler […]
Heritage Orchard Conference webinar: Researching the History and People Behind the Apples
University of Idaho Heritage Orchard Conference webinar series: Researching the History and People Behind the Apples Speaker: Dan Bussey, author […]
Processed Pear Committee position nominations for Washington
Nominations for positions on the Washington/Oregon Processed Pear Committee will take place during an industry public meeting as follows: Jan. […]
WSU Tree Fruit Days
Washington State University Tree Fruit Extension is offering a webinar series Jan. 18–22. The series is designed to provide information […]
Heritage Orchard Conference webinar: Efforts to Conserve Orchard and Fruit of the West
University of Idaho Heritage Orchard Conference webinar series: Community Led Efforts to Conserve Orchard and Fruit of the West Panel […]
78th Annual Cherry Institute
For event information, click here: goodfruit.com/cherry-institute-to-be-held-online-jan-21/
Washington Apricot Marketing Committee nominations
Nominations for the Washington Apricot Marketing Committee will take place during the 78th Annual Cherry Institute, held virtually on Jan. […]
Washington Cherry Marketing Committee nominations
Nominations for grower and handler positions on the Washington Cherry Marketing Committee will take place during the annual Cherry Institute […]