We want to keep the community informed of any industry-related events. Tell us about an event you'd like to add. If it meets our criteria, we'll post it!
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IFTA Annual Conference and Tour, Grand Rapids MI
World Ag Expo
Tulare, California
Semios Grower & Fieldmen Workshop, Yakima
NW Pear Research Review
Ag Safety Day, Wenatchee WA
Wenatchee Convention Center 121 N Wenatchee Ave., Wenatchee, WA, United Stateshttps://www.goodfruit.com/washington-agriculture-safety-day-in-yakima-feb-1-and-wenatchee-feb-22/
Fire Blight Fruit School (WA)
Fire Blight Fruit School (MI)
Washington State Fruit Commission board meeting
Washington State Fruit Commission 105 S 18th St., WA, United Stateshttps://www.goodfruit.com/washington-state-fruit-commission-board-meeting-march-8/
Fresh Pear Committee Mid-Columbia District elections
Grace Su's China Gorge restaurant 2680 Old Columbia River Drive, Hood River, OR, United StatesElections for a Mid-Columbia District Handler member and two alternates to the Fresh Pear Committee (FPC) of Marketing Order #927 […]
Biopesticides for Fire Blight Management (webinar)