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Packing House COVID-19 Preparedness Webinar + Updates
Learn more about best practices for keeping your packing house operations safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. You will hear from
WSU-OSU virtual cherry field day
Date: Monday, July 6 Time: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pacific Time Location: Allan Bros Inc, Zillah Ranch, Y-trellised 'Sweetheart'/Mazzard
OSU Extension COVID-19 Workplace Safety and Safe Housing Webinar
OSU Extension, One Community Health, The Next Door, and OHDC invite you to the COVID-19 Workplace Safety and Safe Housing
MSU Viticulture Field Week online
In place of Viticulture Field Day, Michigan State University is having Viticulture Field Week online. This will be a week
Heritage Orchard Conference webinar: Sleuthing for Lost Apples
University of Idaho Heritage Orchard Conference webinar series: Sleuthing for Lost Apples: Lessons from the Experts Panel Discussion: David Benscoter
Peach Virtual Field Day — Michigan State University
Michigan State University Peach Virtual Field Day Michigan State University Extension and MSU AgBioResearch will host a virtual field day highlighting peach research Sept. 2 […]
Heritage Orchard Conference webinar: Apple Identification Using Genetic Fingerprinting
University of Idaho Heritage Orchard Conference webinar series: Heritage Apple Identification Using Genetic Fingerprinting Methods Speaker: Dr. Gayle Volk of
WSU WA 38 Virtual Pre-Harvest Field Day
The WA 38 field day will be presented live from a WA 38 block in Quincy. Agenda topics include: Overview […]
WSU WA 38 Grower/Field Staff Preharvest Q&A web meeting
This will be a great opportunity to ask questions or share information with the WA 38 team and fellow grower/field
Blueberry Councils’ Virtual Conference & Expo
The two California-based groups — the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council and the North American Blueberry Council — will hold the