Domex hires Frank Davis

Domex Superfresh Growers in Yakima, Washington, has named Frank Davis as vice president of business development and special projects. Davis was previously director of business development for Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers in Wenatchee, Washington.

Davis is a board member of the U.S. Apple Association and chair of the Washington Apple Commission board.

Apple artist

Seventeen-year-old Sam Strain of Manson, Washington, is the grand-prize winner in the Washington Apple Education Foundation’s 15th annual Year of the Apple Art Contest. His parents are Mark and Barb Strain.

Strain, a student at Chelan High School, received a $1,000 savings bond, and his artwork will be featured on the 2011 Dow AgroSciences wall calendar.

In total, 16 Washington State ­students shared $4,750 in savings bonds, and the winning students’ schools will each receive $100 in cash to buy classroom art supplies. For a list of contest winners, go to the Apple Foundation’s Web site at