IPM academy focuses on shifting weather patterns
Michigan State University is offering fruit growers a two-day workshop that focuses on integrated pest management practices that will help them adapt to shifting weather patterns.
The 2013 Integrated Pest Management Academy will take place February 19-20 at the Okemos Conference Center in Okemos, Michigan. IPMA13 will address the weather challenges of the 2012 production season with the help of Dr. Jonathan Comstock from the Department of Horticulture at ÂCornell University.
Comstock, a climate change expert and co-author of both the Agriculture and Ecosystems chapters of the recent NY ClimAID Report, will address shifting weather patterns and the related impacts affecting farmers. ClimAID looks at climate change vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies. Michigan State University experts will also be on hand to discuss irrigation, frost protection, and changing weather patterns in Michigan.
On the second day of the program, participants will opt into two half-day sessions. Morning sessions include Apple and Cherry IPM, Deciduous Tree IPM, Scouting Techniques for Field Crops and Forages, and Vegetable IPM. Afternoon sessions include MSU Resources for Hops, Saskatoons and Chestnuts, Conifer IPM, Emerging Issues in Field Crop Pesticide Resistance, IPM in Small Fruit Crops, and Vegetable IPM.
Michigan pesticide recertification credits will be available. The cost is $225.
For more information, visit http:// events.anr.msu.edu/event.cfm?folder=IPMAacademy2013 or contact Erin Lizotte at taylo548@msu.edu or call 231-944-6504.
Ag women’s conference
The annual Women in Agriculture Conference, presented by Washington State University Extension, is scheduled for February 23. The conference will be broadcast to 16 locations throughout the state.
National speakers will offer inspiration and practical advice on improving management skills. The event will also provide opportunities for networking with other women about the challenges and risks in farming. Last year, nearly 500 women participated in the event.
For more information, check the Web site www.womeninag.wsu.edu or call Margaret Viebrock, WSU Extension, at (509) 745-8531.
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