Washington State University has named International New-Varieties Network as the marketing agent for the yet-unnamed WA 64 apple. Members of the global nursery consortium toured the WA 64 demonstration blocks in October at the WSU Roza research orchard near Prosser. (Ross Courtney/Good Fruit Grower)
Washington State University named International New-Varieties Network as the licensing agent for the yet-unnamed WA 64 apple. Members of the global nursery consortium toured the WA 64 demonstration blocks in October at the WSU Roza research orchard near Prosser. (Ross Courtney/Good Fruit Grower)

Our bad!

The headline that likely brought you here — linking to a story about a marketing licensee for the WA 64 apple — has been replaced with this editor’s note because Good Fruit Grower misread a recent news release from Washington State University about its efforts to commercially launch the new apple.

The release, sent on Nov. 18, announced that WSU had entered a licensing agreement with the International New-Varieties Network, or INN, a coalition of nurseries from around the world, to oversee propagation, distribution and licensing of the new, unnamed apple.

If that news sounds familiar, it’ should.’s because Good Fruit Grower reported the arrangement in August (goodfruit.com/washington-state-university-issues-wa-64-apple-license-to-inn).

For several reasons, WSU has intentionally split the commercialization process into nursery licensing and marketing. INN is licensing the apple, but university officials have not yet chosen a company to market the fruit.

Good Fruit Grower is just as excited for that second step as the rest of the industry. When WSU takes that step, we’ll report that, too.

by Ross Courtney

For more information about obtaining licenses for the WA 64, visit the INN website at: inn-varietiesnetwork.com/wa-64.