The International Fruit Tree Association presented several awards during its 68th annual conference in Rochester, New York, Feb. 16–19.

Jon Clements was given the 2025 IFTA Industry Service Award. A longtime extension tree fruit specialist with the University of Massachusetts, Clements pushed New England growers to modernize their orchards and has been on the cutting edge of digital outreach and education, posting countless fruit production videos on YouTube. 

Jon Clements, left, was given the International Fruit Tree Association 2025 Industry Service Award by Massachusetts grower Andre Tougas during the association’s annual conference in February in Rochester, New York. (Matt Milkovich/Good Fruit Grower)
Jon Clements, left, was given the International Fruit Tree Association 2025 Industry Service Award by Massachusetts grower Andre Tougas during the association’s annual conference in February in Rochester, New York. (Matt Milkovich/Good Fruit Grower)

Bob Black of Catoctin Mountain Orchard in Maryland was named to the IFTA Hall of Fame. Black has attended IFTA meetings for decades, previously served on the board of directors and is currently a member of the IFTA Research Committee. 

Adams County Nursery President Jen Baugher Benton, left, gave the IFTA Hall of Fame Award to Maryland grower Bob Black, who’s been an IFTA member for decades, served on its board of directors and is currently a member of the IFTA Research Committee. (Matt Milkovich/Good Fruit Grower)
Adams County Nursery President Jen Baugher Benton, left, gave the IFTA Hall of Fame Award to Maryland grower Bob Black, who’s been an IFTA member for decades, served on its board of directors and is currently a member of the IFTA Research Committee. (Matt Milkovich/Good Fruit Grower)

Bobby Brown of Orchard Dale Fruit Co. in Waterport, New York, was given the 2025 IFTA Outstanding Grower Award for his cooperation with the association and with Cornell Cooperative Extension research. 

Brett Kast, left, gave New York grower Bobby Brown the 2025 IFTA Outstanding Grower Award for his cooperation with the group and with Cornell Cooperative Extension research. (Matt Milkovich/Good Fruit Grower)
Brett Kast, left, gave New York grower Bobby Brown the 2025 IFTA Outstanding Grower Award for his cooperation with the group and with Cornell Cooperative Extension research. (Matt Milkovich/Good Fruit Grower)

Art Agnello was given the 2025 IFTA Outstanding Extension Educator Award. Agnello spent more than 35 years with Cornell University as a tree fruit extension entomologist, helping to design apple maggot traps and contributing to pheromone disruption research of codling moth and oriental fruit moth. 

Retired Cornell University entomologist Art Agnello, left, was given the 2025 IFTA Outstanding Extension Educator Award by New York grower and IFTA board member Brett Kast during the group’s winter conference in Rochester, New York, in February. (Matt Milkovich/Good Fruit Grower)
Retired Cornell University entomologist Art Agnello, left, was given the 2025 IFTA Outstanding Extension Educator Award by New York grower and IFTA board member Brett Kast during the group’s winter conference in Rochester, New York, in February. (Matt Milkovich/Good Fruit Grower)

Chris Watkins was given IFTA’s Outstanding Researcher Award. Watkins, originally from New Zealand, joined Cornell University about 40 years ago and has made a significant contribution to the U.S. apple industry by helping it manage numerous postharvest storage disorders. 

Cornell University professor Chris Watkins, left, was given IFTA’s Outstanding Researcher Award by Cornell fruit crop physiologist Terence Robinson for his significant contributions to solving postharvest storage disorders for the U.S. apple industry. (Matt Milkovich/Good Fruit Grower)
Cornell University professor Chris Watkins, left, was given IFTA’s Outstanding Researcher Award by Cornell fruit crop physiologist Terence Robinson for his significant contributions to solving postharvest storage disorders for the U.S. apple industry. (Matt Milkovich/Good Fruit Grower)

Jen Baugher Benton of Adams County Nursery in Pennsylvania and Craig Tanner of Tanners Orchard in Illinois were recognized for their tenures as outgoing IFTA board members.

by Matt Milkovich