Mechanical thinning can damage spurs, leaf tissue and flowers
A tractor mounted Darwin thinning device. (file photo) Mechanical thinning looks like a promising technique for reducing the
A tractor mounted Darwin thinning device. (file photo) Mechanical thinning looks like a promising technique for reducing the
Laura Naumes is the first woman to chair the Pear Bureau Northwest.
Smith helps growers and beekeepers come together agreeably
The synergistic effect of pesticides in hives.
No research is under way to evaluate pollinizers to replace Manchurian crab apple.
The risk of grapevine redleaf virus makes controlling leafhoppers all the more important.
Blossom-time apple thinning model explored for eastern growers.
Planting more flowers would help solve honeybee decline.
Orchard netting may be cost effective for high-value varieties like Honeycrisp.
Four couples from Mexico were honored by the Center for Latino Farmers in Yakima