Orchard pests also pose problems in the lab
Fickle pests vex entomologists studying how to kill them.
Fickle pests vex entomologists studying how to kill them.
After a dry-season respite in recent years, powdery mildew pressure is back in Northwest cherry orchards.
Northeast growers grapple with mysterious tree damage on exposed rootstocks.
Picking off pesky vineyard pests one by one.
New research evaluates sanitizing strategies for harvest bins and picking bags.
Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission updates its Technology Roadmap.
Parasitoids pursue spotted wing drosophila to North America.
New thresholds for pest and predator monitoring can give growers more data for IPM decisions.
Pear growers share experiences switching to softer psylla control.
Sustainable management of grape mealybug a top priority for Washington wine industry.