More moth math needed for Washington orchards
As sterile codling moth applications grow in Washington, so do questions about the conditions under which the treatment performs well.
As sterile codling moth applications grow in Washington, so do questions about the conditions under which the treatment performs well.
Experts from British Columbia’s sterile insect release program share the answers to their most frequently asked questions.
Washington State University has given its newest apple, WA 64, the official trade name Sunflare...
By crunching apple growers’ financial records, Northwest Horticultural Council hopes to draw attention to critical need for H-2A policy reform.
Despite today's obstacles, there are still paths to better days ahead.
Sometimes, it’s necessary to admit that.
WSTFA keynote speaker to discuss how to push back against critics who don’t understand farming.
Great Lakes EXPO speaker shares approaches to regenerate your soil, your plants and your bottom line.
A mix of people skills and horticultural expertise earn Tom Gausman of AgriMACS in Chelan, Washington, the 2024 Grower of the Year award from Good Fruit Grower.
Tom Gausman shares lessons on developing large orchards.