Calculating the value of biological control
Washington State University entomologist Dr. Stan Hoyt developed integrated mite control in the late 1960s (see “How integrated mite control
Washington State University entomologist Dr. Stan Hoyt developed integrated mite control in the late 1960s (see “How integrated mite control
Fruit growers in Michigan can use existing stocks of the insecticide azinphos-methyl (Guthion) one more time before it is phased
In 2011, when the National Organic Standards Board made a formal recommendation to the National Organic Program to permit oxytetracyline
Harold Austin In April, the National Organic Standards Board will decide whether organic apple and pear growers in the United
The National Organic Standards Board is a federal advisory committee that makes the decisions on which inputs can be used
Antibiotics have long been key disease control materials for fireblight, one of the few uses of antibiotics in plant agriculture.
A spate of new studies came out this spring, all of them seeking to link neonicotinoid insecticides to mortality in
Soil fumigation, like this broadcast application, now requires that fumigation management plans be developed to include a long list of
As you approach weed control this spring, remember the word SUPPLY. That’s the acronym Dr. Hannah Mathers developed to help
Choosing a herbicide program for an orchard is not so simple as choosing which herbicide kills what weeds and when.