Cherry identification down to the DNA details
Genetic experts say preliminary DNA screening can prevent intellectual property disputes.
Genetic experts say preliminary DNA screening can prevent intellectual property disputes.
Washington State University has given its newest apple, WA 64, the official trade name Sunflare...
The same company managing nursery propagation of the WA 64 will also steer marketing for the new apple...
Washington growers can now start placing nursery orders for WA 64, the newest release from Washington State University’s breeding program...
New University of Minnesota apple release, Kudos, could be a perfect fit for farm markets and U-picks.
Washington State University and Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission researchers discussed WA 64’s horticultural traits at WSU’s Roza research orchard near Prosser on June 13...
WA 64 winds its way through commercialization.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s tree fruit breeding program has partnered with Canada’s largest apple grower, Algoma Orchards in Ontario, to release a new apple variety...
The University of Minnesota’s apple breeding program has released its latest variety: MN33, branded as Kudos...
To figure out the optimum harvest timing for WA 64, the new apple release from Washington State University, researchers will be picking at repeated intervals in coming weeks...