The non-browning Arctic Golden Delicious Apple
(Courtesy of Neal Carter)
Okanagan Speciality Fruits, maker of genetically modified apples, was at the PMA FreshSummit to unveil test packaging for its apples.
At PMA, Okanagan used the slogan, “Making the Perfect Fruit Better.” The Arctic apple is controversial with some growers and consumer organizations, but both the U.S. and Canadian governments have cleared the fruit for release to consumers. OSF co-founder Neal Carter of Summerland, British Columbia, attended PMA to help promote the apple.
Three Arctic apples have now received U.S. approval.
Before the meeting, Okanagan also released a new video promoting the apple, titled “It’s just the – The Arctic Advantage”.
– by O. Casey Corr
Can”t wait to try them, I read they taste awesome. It will also save a lot of wasted , discarded food from damaged apples.