Angela Daniels has joined Pear Bureau Northwest as the company’s event coordinator, with prior experience in events, communications and marketing. Most recently with Rit Dye, Daniels’ responsibilities included social media and creative development.

Angela Daniels (Courtesy Pear Bureau Northwest)
“Angela’s creative perspective, drive and experience will be an asset to PBNW,” said Kevin Moffitt, president and CEO of PBNW, in a news release. “In-store sampling as well as events are essential to our marketing strategies. They encourage consumer trial, impact sales, and drive repeat purchases. With Angela on board, we can make a stronger impact in all of these areas.”
Pear Bureau Northwest is a nonprofit marketing organization that promotes fresh pears grown in Washington and Oregon, representing close to 900 grower families and 88 percent of the U.S. commercial fresh pear crop.
“I am looking forward to sharing my passion for connecting consumers to products they love, and I can’t think of a better product than fresh, nutritious pears,” Daniels said. “I love the beauty and versatility of pears and have been buying pears for my family for many years.
-by Jonelle Mejica
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