For the fifth year straight, the assessment charged to growers for the federal marketing order for processed pears will remain at $7 per ton.

Gem pears at the Oregon State University Mid-Columbia Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Hood River Oregon in 2013. (TJ Mullinax/Good Fruit Grower)
The Processed Pear Committee board of directors unanimously agreed to the assessment rate Wednesday at the annual board meeting in Portland, Oregon.
The group also kept its current board officers for the 2016-2017 season. Dan Kenoyer will remain as chairman, Andrew Sundquist as first vice chairman, Ron Ball second vice chairman, Rob Peterson secretary treasurer.
The assessment has been $7 since 2012.
Of the $7, $5.50 will go to generic promotion, $1 to the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission and 50 cents to administration and operations costs.
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