Wanted: Codling moth larvae dead, not alive
Codling moth management failures are traced to emerging resistance to granulovirus in two Washington populations.
Spotted lanternfly strategies for vineyards
Researchers have bad news and good news for spotted lanternfly management.
Fighting fruit pests from the air
Spray drones show promise controlling pests in grapes and tree fruit.
Netting for bird control
Protective nets can limit feeding damage in Michigan sweet cherries.
In a spot with cherry leaf spot
Growers return to copper fungicides for cherry leaf spot control.
Disease decisions for stone fruit
Stone fruit pathogens need consistent management, though options are limited.
New answers and new questions for codling moth control
WSU research updates and expands codling moth trap guidelines.
Third generation of moths unwelcome
Penn State entomologist shares updates on codling moth complications.
Speakers share strategies for efficient little cherry disease management
Now many years into the battle against X disease and little cherry disease, growers find themselves skipping the testing phase, going straight from cherry symptoms at harvest to chain saws as soon as possible...
More funding for more fungi research
FRAME Network expands to cover research for improved methods to battle fungal diseases.
Crab apples may hold keys for fire blight resistance
Understanding fire blight resistance in wild North American apples could improve control methods in commercial crops.
IFTA conference covers bitter pit
The third and final day of the International Fruit Tree Association’s 68th annual conference in Rochester, New York, on Feb. 19 covered a lot of topics, including the postharvest disorder bitter pit...
Spot marks the X for little cherry disease infections — Video
Canine pathogen detection shows promise, but commercialization could be a challenge.
Growers facing a fire blight pathogen predicament
Washington State University researcher finds resistance to fire blight antibiotic kasugamycin.
Details on a new dieback pathogen in the Pacific Northwest
Cherry orchard survey alerts researchers to new pathogen, renews focus on fungi fight.
Bad news bugs
Entomologist shares the latest research on three common apple pests.
Hansen: Supporting sustainability
Washington wine industry research supports long-term vineyard solutions.
Kayla Braich, a young grower from Kennewick, Washington
Kayla earned her psychology degree from Eastern Washington University and plans to return to university to obtain a degree in viticulture and enology. She’s married to Erin Braich and is the daughter of Cheryl Emineth and Kevin Paxton.
Lighting the way to pathogen control in the packing house
Researchers explore use of ultraviolet light on packing lines.
Postharvest pointers for pear growers
Hort Show speakers share pear storage advice.
Taking fungicide application from a drench to a drizzle
A field application of postharvest fungicide using a single pass of water can reduce cross-contamination risks.
A tale of two seasons for spotted wing drosophila
Researchers dial in on SWD management in Michigan.
Working out the bugs with sterile spotted wing drosophila
Gene-edited spotted wing drosophila research reaches field-trial stage.
Armillaria armor in the orchard
The search for an Armillaria-resistant rootstock for cherries continues.
Sticking with predators for pest management
Crop consultants use sticky card traps to monitor beneficial insect populations.
Northern giant hornet eradicated from U.S.
Agricultural authorities say the northern giant hornet, an invasive pest that posed a potential threat to honey bee colonies, is no longer in the United States...
More moth math needed for Washington orchards
As sterile codling moth applications grow in Washington, so do questions about the conditions under which the treatment performs well.
Good to Know: Sterile moth 101
Experts from British Columbia’s sterile insect release program share the answers to their most frequently asked questions.
Effects of election and judge rulings highlight labor session on final day of Washington hort show
—by Ross Courtney and Shannon Dininny Natalie Smeller of Wenatchee High School, center, judges Red
EXPO update on SWD parasitoid releases
—by Matt Milkovich The invasive spotted wing drosophila can devastate cherries and blueberries in Michigan,
Good Point: Navigating a season of adversity
Northwest fruit industry gathers next month to learn from a challenging 2023–24 crop and chart better paths forward.
Studies reveal a bitter pit breakdown
Michigan State University research into Honeycrisp physiology shows timing is key for managing bitter pit.
Engineering immunity in trees
New USDA research program brings cutting-edge, disease-fighting technology from citrus to cherry.
Sounding the alert for spotted lanternfly
Stakeholder networks attempt to slow spread of spotted lanternfly.
Washington grape growers share successes and challenges at annual field day
The Washington State Grape Society and Washington State University held their annual field day Aug. 7, hosted this year at Figgins Winery in Walla Walla...
Field day showcases an array of Washington tree fruit research trials underway
From soil health for new plants to postharvest quality analysis, scientists based at Washington State University’s Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center and their colleagues at the U.S. Department of Agriculture lab in Wenatchee have a lot of research going on...
Pear psylla IPM efficacy the topic at Washington State University field day
To test how well pear psylla IPM is working for growers in the Wenatchee River Valley area, Washington State University entomologists set up a series of paired orchards to compare pest levels in conventional orchards and in those using integrated pest management strategies...
Giving bad blueberries the boot
USDA funding aids fruit rot management.
Dealing with a replant dilemma
Nova Scotia growers search for fumigant alternatives.
Know your costs to grow
Washington State University produces how-to video for ag enterprise budgets.
Earwig workshops planned for Pacific Northwest apple and pear growers
Who wants a bucket of earwigs? Apple and pear growers might...
Washington State University’s tree fruit research field day Aug. 6
Washington State University's fourth annual tree fruit research field day is scheduled Tuesday, Aug. 6...
Targeting a triple threat to apple scab
Researchers seek extra layers of scab resistance in apple genome.
A clean outlook for clean cultivars
A lot of time and money goes into giving new cultivars a clean start, and two clean plant centers that serve the tree fruit industry have made significant changes.
Internship program introduces students to ag careers
Fruit company partners with local school district to launch new approach to internships, with hopes to inspire other ag employers.
High-tech weed terminators targeting specialty crops
New machines find creative ways to kill weeds.
Baffling borer behavior observed in California pear orchards
West Coast entomologists on lookout for borer attacking fruit, not trees.
For better weed management, deplete the seed bank
Fighting weeds in fruit crops requires a concerted approach.
X-ray visions for sterile insect technique
Ag tech company pursues new codling moth sterilization method.
Columbia River Gorge groups push online forms to report unmanaged fruit trees
Industry groups in the Columbia River Gorge region between Washington and Oregon have developed online reporting systems for unmanaged orchards and backyard fruit trees...