Vector investigations
New research aims to deepen understanding of little cherry disease.
New research aims to deepen understanding of little cherry disease.
Officials don’t want European cherry fruit fly to spread beyond Western New York, but a small cherry industry there wants quarantine regulations that don’t put them out of business.
Intermittent pest could become more permanent in Michigan if link to spotted wing drosophila losses proven.
A very close-up look at who is there and why you should care.
Oregon specialty crops present attractive enticement for BMSB.
Trials show promise for spotted wing drosophila control with juice-baited traps and mass trapping of Japanese beetles.
WSU entomologists use bee semen collected from around the world as part of breeding project to improve genetics of honey bees.
After first detecting it late last year, Washington officials mount aggressive response to beehive-destroying Asian giant hornet.
Beekeepers advised to check for Houdini fly maggots and destroy them if found.
Growers try variety of methods to check a possible codling moth resurgence.