Crab apples may hold keys for fire blight resistance
Understanding fire blight resistance in wild North American apples could improve control methods in commercial crops.
Understanding fire blight resistance in wild North American apples could improve control methods in commercial crops.
The third and final day of the International Fruit Tree Association’s 68th annual conference in Rochester, New York, on Feb. 19 covered a lot of topics, including the postharvest disorder bitter pit...
Canine pathogen detection shows promise, but commercialization could be a challenge.
Washington State University researcher finds resistance to fire blight antibiotic kasugamycin.
Cherry orchard survey alerts researchers to new pathogen, renews focus on fungi fight.
Entomologist shares the latest research on three common apple pests.
Washington wine industry research supports long-term vineyard solutions.
Kayla earned her psychology degree from Eastern Washington University and plans to return to university to obtain a degree in viticulture and enology. She’s married to Erin Braich and is the daughter of Cheryl Emineth and Kevin Paxton.
Researchers explore use of ultraviolet light on packing lines.
Hort Show speakers share pear storage advice.