Use winter weeds to improve soil
Winter weeds are a cheap way of improving and adding organic matter to soil. It is costly and difficult to
Winter weeds are a cheap way of improving and adding organic matter to soil. It is costly and difficult to
Several forces at work suggest that orchardists should look more closely at how they manage the floors of their orchards and vineyards.
Fruit growers are always looking for better, cheaper ways of controlling vegetation under the trees in their orchards, but, in general, weed control gets more expensive and more complicated.
Jim Koan wants organic practices to be based on science, not politics.
Silver Apple Award winner Ray Fuller approaches organic production from a scientific point of view.
Entomologist Larry Gut has been experimenting with the Solid-Set Canopy Delivery system to apply codling moth mating disruption pheromone
Research in a newly planted organic vineyard showed just how difficult and labor-intensive weed control is under organic conditions. Not
DON'T LET WEEDS GET AWAY It’s particularly important to keep up with weed control in a young orchard because the
Engineer Graham Brodie developed the microwave weed-killing machine. Kitchen microwave ovens are routinely used to “zap” our food. They can
For 21 years now, Dr. Ian Merwin has tended a 320-tree apple orchard on the eastern shore of Cayuga Lake