Project Description

Soils & Nutrients

Featured stories about soils and nutrients appear in this issue.

Wine grape research needs

April 15th, 2006|0 Comments

The research needs of Washington State’s wine industry are being explored by an industry-wide taskforce, organized by the Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers. “The

USA cherry synergy

April 15th, 2006|0 Comments

West Coast cherry producers found common ground during an initial meeting to see if growers from the Pacific Northwest and California could collaborate on specific

Cherry World

April 15th, 2006|0 Comments

This is the second in a series of articles compiled by Lynn Long of Oregon State University Extension from research presented at an International Society

Plums to China

April 15th, 2006|0 Comments

California plum growers and shippers are gearing up to ship more than 500,000 boxes of plums to mainland China under a new agreement reached this

All you want to know about PACA

April 15th, 2006|0 Comments

Fruit and vegetable growers can learn about the protections that the federal Perishable Agriculture Commodities Act offers them during seminars sponsored by the Washington Growers

Capital View

April 15th, 2006|0 Comments

Every legislative session provides opportunity for making progress on key issues for the tree fruit industry. Each session also provides ample opportunity for setbacks from

In My View

April 15th, 2006|0 Comments

When Dad farmed, usually his biggest problem was the weather. He worried about an early freeze on snap beans, or the ground being too wet


April 15th, 2006|0 Comments

Artists present farmers in Maryhill Museum exhibit…A special art exhibit depicting farmers has opened at the Maryhill Museum of Art near Goldendale, Washington, and will


April 15th, 2006|0 Comments

An article entitled “Fibers, flakes and globs” in our March 15 issue contained a typographical error. In the section that quoted Andy Kahn discussing new


April 15th, 2006|0 Comments

Washington State Wine industry honors den Hoed…Bill den Hoed has been honored for nearly 20 years of involvement in the Washington wine grape industry. Den