Soils & Nutrients

Featured stories about soils & nutrients in this issue.

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WSU seeks licensee

April 15th, 2013|0 Comments

Washington State University’s Research Foundation, which owns the new WA 38 apple, has issued an “announcement of opportunity” inviting individuals, companies, or cooperatives that are

  • Engineer Graham Brodie developed the microwave weed-killing machine.


April 15th, 2013|2 Comments

Engineer Graham Brodie developed the microwave weed-killing machine. Kitchen microwave ovens are routinely used to “zap” our food. They can heat leftover pizza or cook

Last Bite

April 15th, 2013|0 Comments

    1    Dagger nematodes are vectors of which virus? a.    Prune dwarf b.    Tomato ring spot c.    Professor Plum pox d.    Prunus necrotic ring spot

Your management program matters

April 15th, 2013|0 Comments

LEFT: Above left: Adult A. mali are affected by most of the tested reduced-risk pesticides. RIGHT: The parasitic wasp Aphelinus mali attacks woolly apple aphids

The Top Five

April 15th, 2013|0 Comments

Soil has been called the “living skin” of planet Earth, an essential but fragile part of the bio­sphere. As such, it responds negatively to abuse

Evaluating grape sites

April 15th, 2013|0 Comments

Michelle Moyer demonstrates how WSU's vineyard site evaluation computer model works. PHOTO BY MELISSA HANSEN Dr. Michelle Moyer, Washington State University’s statewide viticulture extension specialist,