Project Description
Good Fruit Grower of the Year
Featured stories covering good fruit grower of the year appear in this issue.
Good Job
Silver Apple Organic grower and consultant Dain Craver of Royal City received the Washington State Horticultural Association’s Silver Apple award. Craver grew up in California.
Last Bite
Richared, one of the first red strains of Delicious, was such an exciting discovery that a box full was sent to U.S. President Herbert Hoover.
Economic outlook for tree fruit
The economic outlook for the tree fruit industry in Washington State and the Pacific Northwest is quite good. This conclusion may surprise many readers accustomed
In The Box
Geraldine Warner’s article “How Do Your Returns Stack Up?” in the November Good Fruit Grower included several helpful comments about our new information service, Packer
Growing new grape leaders
In recent years, the annual meeting of the Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers has expanded its educational sessions and trade show to make it
Learn how to get paid
Increasing numbers of growers are reporting difficulty in getting paid for their grapes, a result of the trickle effect that the down economy has had
How to get paid for your grapes
The down economy has had a ripple effect on the wine grape industry. Fewer restaurant meals and reduced entertaining budgets have slowed wine sales, backed
Advocate for breeding program
John Carter is known for his relentless dedication to goals. Oregon grower John Carter has been involved in cherry industry trade groups and activities. But
Smaller Washington grape crop in 2010
A steady trend in juice grape acreage and reduced overall inventory of grape juice should lead to similar—or slightly higher—cash prices for the coming year,
Pear Bureau to work closer with sales desks
A pear industry task force is recommending that the Pear Bureau Northwest and pear shippers and marketers work more closely together when setting up retail
Figuring out profitability
High yields or high prices alone are not enough to ensure that a Gala apple grower will see a profit, two Washington State University agricultural
Good time for renewal or expansion
Honeycrisp apples flow through the new three-lane Compac packing line at Lake Ontario Fruit Company. The company expanded last summer, and found funding available at
Specialty crops will be on center stage
David Schweikhardt predicts a lively specialty-crops– centered Farm Bill debate will start in Congress soon. Specialty crops growers, who were pleased that they got “their
Passion for research
Cherries, with their sensitivity to rain at harvest time and market swings, are one of the riskiest and most volatile of tree fruit crops. John