Horticulture, Viticulture

Featured stories about horticulture and viticulture appear in this issue.

Four steps to cherry pruning

January 15th, 2007|0 Comments

Pruning and training of trees on productive rootstocks, such as Gisela 6 or 12, require techniques that are completely counter to pruning trees on Mazzard

First Bite

January 15th, 2007|0 Comments

After 60 years of collaboration with Washington State University Extension and research professors on this publication, Good Fruit Grower is launching a new magazine title

The optimal orchard

January 15th, 2007|0 Comments

The tall spindle system, with tree densities around 1,000 to 1,500 trees per acre, is highly competitive and productive and has potential for mechanical harvesting

Driving tree performance

January 15th, 2007|0 Comments

At Auvil Fruit Company, trees are planted as bench grafts with the union 6 to 8 inches above the ground to avoid scion rooting. Soil

Dwarfing rootstocks For stone fruit

January 15th, 2007|0 Comments

Though significant tree size differences in the three rootstock photos are difficult to see due to the pruning, the canopies of Controller 5 rootstock trees,

In My View

January 15th, 2007|0 Comments

A new Congress—the 110th under our nation’s constitution—is in session. Due to the electoral upheavals of last November, majority control in both the House and

Last Bite

January 15th, 2007|0 Comments

Gilbert Orchards of Yakima, Washington is the present-day descendent of the firm of Richey and Gilbert, founded in the 1890s by Horace Mark (H.M.) Gilbert