Grower of the Year

Featured stories about legislation, trade, and people, including awards, appear in this issue.

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Hort awards and recognition

January 1st, 2013|0 Comments

The following fruit industry members were honored during the Washington State Horticultural Association’s annual meeting in December. Silver Apple George Allan, a partner at the

  • Bill Dodd stands next to the EverCrisp mother tree, which grows at the Doud family’s County Line Orchard near Wabash, Indiana. (Courtesy Bill Dodd.)

First fruit

January 1st, 2013|3 Comments

Bill Dodd stands next to the EverCrisp mother tree, which grows at the Doud family’s County Line Orchard near Wabash, Indiana. (Courtesy Bill Dodd.) The

Good Job

January 1st, 2013|0 Comments

Cherry co-op names new president Oregon Cherry Growers, Inc., a member -owned fruit cooper­ative, named Timothy Ramsey as its new president and chief executive officer.