New Varieties

Featured stories about apples, cherries and new varieties appear in this issue.

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Pillars of agriculture

June 1st, 2012|0 Comments

American farmers can call up images from two very different historical threads when describing themselves. Farmers are rugged individualists, pioneers who tackled the unfriendly frontier,

Land-grant pioneer

June 1st, 2012|0 Comments

At Michigan State University, “the pioneer land-grant university,” the pioneering spirit lives on, but it sometimes scares people, especially its most ardent supporters. Some fear

In the Box

June 1st, 2012|0 Comments

Now available online at Get-the-most-out-of-glyphosate/ Why so BIG? Dear Good Fruit Grower: I own and operate a small orchard business. I love reading the


June 1st, 2012|1 Comment

PHOTO BY RICHARD LEHNERT New sports of popular apples—especially if they’re redder—always attract plenty of ­attention from growers. So, you can imagine the kind of

The rush to redness

June 1st, 2012|0 Comments

David Bedford Dr. David Bedford, the apple breeder at University of Minnesota where the original Honeycrisp was bred in 1961 and released as a commercial

Muscat plantings on the rise

June 1st, 2012|0 Comments

Muscat grape varieties, the hottest selling wines in America, have also been the hottest selling grape nursery stock. And while there’s been an uptick in Muscat plantings in Washington State, in general, the state’s wine industry is taking a cautious approach to the latest wine fad.

Moscato madness

June 1st, 2012|0 Comments

The Moscato craze started with Gallo's Barefoot Cellars, when it released a light, sweet wine in 2008. It's been estimated that Gallo will produce four

Last Bite–From Shangri-La

June 1st, 2012|0 Comments

Apricots are dried on a Hunza Valley rooftop. On the flanks of the magnificent Karakoram mountain range, a jagged spine of 25,000-foot-high mountain spires, lies