Pest Management

Featured stories about pest management appear in this issue.

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A new tool for IPM

March 1st, 2013|0 Comments

Left: Syrphid fly (also known as hover fly) larvae or maggots like this are voracious predators of aphids. Center: Syrphid flies feed as adults

Bacterial canker

March 1st, 2013|1 Comment

A classic bacterial canker symptom showing cankers and gummosis of woody tissue.PHOTO COURTESY OF MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY The weather turned hot and dry—­conditions

Topping shoots

March 1st, 2013|0 Comments

Left: The control vines of Madeleine Angevine, not tented. Right: This photo was taken the same day in August as the Madeleine Angevine control

Last Bite: Do you know your pests?

March 1st, 2013|0 Comments

1    In which plant has the brown marmorated stinkbug been most commonly found in Oregon? a.    Tree of heaven b.    Hop c.    Cherry d.    Holly

Good job

March 1st, 2013|0 Comments

Cherry blossoms being protected by ice during an early April cold snap. ­­Cherry orchard owned by Andy and Sheila Slinkard, located near Basin City, Washington.

Speak out

March 1st, 2013|0 Comments

Proposed regulations to implement the Food Safety Modernization Act could bring dramatic changes to the growing, harvest, and packing of tree fruit. Although state, regional,

For the birds

March 1st, 2013|0 Comments

Preliminary estimates of bird damage to fruit crops made during 2012 show what fruit growers already know: Fruit production can be for the birds—at least