Sustainable & Organic

Featured stories about sustainable and organic appear in this issue.

Promoting ecolabel wines

May 1st, 2010|0 Comments

A program that began by certifying vineyards in Oregon’s Willamette Valley that were following practices to protect and restore salmon watersheds has grown to include more than half the wine grape acreage of Walla Walla Valley in Washington and Oregon and several vineyards in eastern Washington.

Compost tea recipes

May 1st, 2010|0 Comments

Tweaking the aeration time, handling, and changing additives can create diverse compost teas—even though they were made with the same compost. Washington State University researchers

Good to Go

May 1st, 2010|0 Comments

Italy orchard tour Susan Pheasant and Mauricio Frías are offering an intensive technical tour of South Tyrol orchards in November to learn about high-density orchard

Good Job

May 1st, 2010|0 Comments

Apple Blossom Queen Margaret Robinson presented a plaque to WSU Extension Educator Tim Smith when he was named Apple Citizen of the Year 2010. Tim Smith

Growers surveyed on pest practices

May 1st, 2010|0 Comments

Washington apple growers are adopting new pest ­management strategies and technologies including safer chemistries, in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency phaseout of ­azinphos-methyl