Apples, Postharvest

Featured stories about apples, postharvest appear in this issue.

Ready for robots?

October 1st, 2009|0 Comments

Brad Hamner of Carnegie Mellon University walks alongside an autonomous vehicle as it moves down the rows in Washington State University's research orchard near Wenatchee.

IAC members

October 1st, 2009|0 Comments

Members of the breeding ­program's Industry Advisory Council are: Brent Milne, Bob Brammer, Bruce Allen, Bryon McDougall, Dale Goldy, Dan Flick, Dave Allan, Dave ­Gleason,

Good Point – Stephen Young

October 1st, 2009|0 Comments

Orchard systems have gone through ­dynamic changes over the past 50 years. High-density plantings and dwarfing ­rootstocks have allowed growers to make changes in production

Good Stuff

October 1st, 2009|0 Comments

Protect fruit from sunburn Purfresh of Fremont, California, reports that the company's solar protectant, Purshade, has reduced physical sun-related damage on several apple varieties in