The thinking on cider apple thinning
Managing crop load for hard and sweet cider.
Managing crop load for hard and sweet cider.
Tristan earned a master’s degree in horticulture from Stellenbosch University. He is married to Georgine and is the son of Linda Dorfling and Ralf Ketzer.
Spray drones show promise controlling pests in grapes and tree fruit.
How would a North American tariff war impact Washington apple exports?
Protective nets can limit feeding damage in Michigan sweet cherries.
WSU research updates and expands codling moth trap guidelines.
Penn State entomologist shares updates on codling moth complications.
Jessica graduated from Penn State University and earned her master’s degree in soil science at the University of Vermont. She has a twin brother, Josh, a sister, Lindsey, and is the daughter of Terri and Bruce Foster.
South African trial investigates cultivar performance under varied climate conditions.
Understanding fire blight resistance in wild North American apples could improve control methods in commercial crops.