Growers foresee change
There are too many new apple varieties, says Polish orchardist Krzysztof Hermanowicz. New market niches,
Nursery perspective
These finished nursery trees will soon be harvested and prepared for later planting by growers.
Video touts fruit industry jobs
Jobs in the tree fruit industry aren't limited to the obvious ones of picking or
Last Bite – The Land of the Yakamas
Cowin paid careful attention to marketing, and his high-quality fruit stood out in the marketplace.
Field sorting culls
One area of research that John Verbrugge thinks has been overlooked is field sorting of
How many is too many?
When it comes to new varieties, John Rice predicts that in the next decade, most
Should WAC come back?
A rack card developed by CMI tells consumers about the health benefits of eating apples,
Produce expert
With an office in Yakima, Washington, Wal-Mart plans to keep prices lower and buy directly
Market limitations
How new varieties will coexist with those that have already carved out shelf space is
Extension educators
WSU Extension educator Karen Lewis expects to see more technologies used in orchards to augment
Research viewpoint
Soft fruit breeder Ralph Scorza and colleagues developed this pitless plum. Continuing budget constraints at
Field sorting could bring a bonus
The recently planted WSU research orchard will allow study of planting designs for the future.
Past, present, and future
Chuck Peters designed his new pear orchard with mechanization and new technologies in mind. It
Changes will come faster. Will you keep up?
Agricultural economist Two decades ago, at a time when the industry had yet to produce
Apple marketing incentive
"If an apple were to explode like a hand grenade when it reached a stage
Identity crisis
The flood of new apple varieties will continue until the consumer is so confused about
Blast from the past
Robots harvesting fruit, scientists creating the perfect apple trees in petri dishes, and a fruit
Wind of change
"Change is in the wind," an article in the Good Fruit Grower declared in 1987,
Good to Know – Barritt, Evans
Since 1994, Washington State University has strived to develop new apple cultivars with outstanding eating
Optimistic about the crop
The Washington Apple Commission is focusing its export efforts this year on markets that have
M.9 prevails in Poland
Malling 9 is the most popular apple rootstock in Poland, closely followed by M.26, but
MSU leads RosBREED project
Michigan State University researchers will lead a four-year, $14.4-million grant-funded research project aimed at improving
Next big thing testing Mairac
The new variety Mairac in being grown in a test plot in the Wenatchee, Washington,
On the fast track
Michael Weber picks some samples of Mairac in a Washington State test planting. With apple
Novel approach
Pete Van Well (left) and Alessio Martinelli of CIV, Italy, admire the color of Rubens
Major organic player
Using environmentally sound, sustainable practices to produce tree fruit is one of the core values
WSU releases its first apple variety
Retired WSU apple breeder Dr. Bruce Barritt checks another promising selection in an evaluation plot
Apple Lines – Todd Fryhover
As we move together into another apple harvest, the Washington Apple Commission strives to evolve
Education eases growers into new era of pest control
Dr. Jay Brunner (right) and the Pest Management Transition Project team have reached out to
Quick Bites
Big Gala crop The Washington State apple industry expects to harvest 107 million boxes of
Good Point – Jennifer Witherbee
It's almost time to send the Washington Apple Education Foundation's 2009 crop of scholarship winners
Good to Go
Honeybee health Honeybee specialists and native pollinator experts from around the country will discuss bee
Apple Lines – Todd Fryhover
Adversity provides opportunity. This is the mantra for the 2008–2009 Washington apple season. We're facing
Good Point – Larry Lutz
So, this is where it all began—the North American apple industry, that is. Apples have
Swiss interested in Geneva stocks
Fireblight-resistant apple rootstocks developed at Cornell University in Geneva, New York, could secure a place
Growers can improve returns by leaving fruit in the orchard.
To pick or not to pick Low prices for small apples during the past season
Good crop on the tree
The Washington apple industry expects to harvest a crop of large, high-quality apples this fall,
Autosorting at the orchard
Technology that will be tested in Washington State this harvest could help apple growers sort
From wines to spirits
Rusty Figgins plans to be selling apple eau-de-vie and other clear, unaged brandy products later
Apple Matters
USApple is continually exploring ways to effectively and efficiently move apple supplies. One key strategy
In search of superior apples
Dr. Cameron Peace checks block of seedlings resulting from the intercrossing of parents that have
Clearwing moth spreading
Left: Adult apple clearwing. Right: Larvae burrow under tree bark for almost two years, feeding
Thinner winner
In more than 200 chemical thinning trials that the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission has
Scientist plots codling moth’s demise
Steve Garczynski Dr. Steve Garczynski loves to dream, and recently landed his dream