Ag automation headed your way
Spray automation drives itself into commercial tree fruit use.
Growers get glimpse of latest MSU research at Ridgefest field day
Michigan Pomesters held its 11th annual Ridgefest field day July 28, touring research trials at Michigan State University’s Clarksville Research Center in Clarksville.
Heat stress one of the hot topics at Smart Orchard field day
A hearty group of about 50 growers, industry professionals and researchers gathered under the hot sun — and in the shade, where they could find it — in Grandview, Washington, for a Smart Orchard field day held July 26 in English and July 27 in Spanish.
Tighten the belt
Expecting a short crop, Washington Apple Commission reduces its budget and USApple dues.
Honeycrisp and vigor management highlight IFTA Day 2
The second day of the International Fruit Tree Association’s 2022 summer tour centered in Quincy, Washington, where orchards, potatoes and other row crops grow in deep, productive soil.
IFTA arrives in Washington to check out cherries, Cosmic Crisp and crop load camera technology
Growers from across the U.S. — and even a few from beyond — arrived in Central Washington this week for a tour organized by the International Fruit Tree Association.
MSU to hold CA storage clinic in August
The 2022 Michigan State University Controlled Atmosphere Storage Clinic will be held Aug. 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Codling moth control: Control culture club
Bin sanitation and orchard cultural practices aid codling moth mitigation.
Cornell announces 2022 Lake Ontario Fruit tour Aug. 9
Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Lake Ontario Fruit Summer Tour 2022 will be held Aug. 9 in
Dive into bins
1999 findings on codling moth larvae infestation of harvest bins still relevant in 2022.
WAEF apple art contest winner announced
The Washington Apple Education Foundation announced Chelan High School junior Macie Cowan was named the
Economics of replanting
How do growers evaluate block profitability?
Washington Apple Education Foundation awards 2022 scholarships
The Washington Apple Education Foundation announced in a news release the organization has awarded 318
A crispness story
Honeycrisp DNA forged a new path for the apple industry.
John Paul and Adam Baugher, from Aspers, Pennsylvania
Both Adam and John Paul are part of the fifth generation operating their family farm. John Paul went to Penn State University and Adam went to Bloomsburg University. They are the sons of Cindy and Chris Baugher.
Degrees of extremes for Northwest growers
Record cool Northwest pollination weather follows scorching 2021 summer.
Expecting a short crop at about 110 million boxes, Washington Apple Commission tightens budget
Apple industry leaders from across Washington predict a short crop this year, with estimates ranging
To predict bitter pit, let it sit
Passive model predicts bitter pit percentage in Honeycrisp.
USDA announces disaster relief funds available for 2020 and 2021 losses
On May 16, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the availability of approximately $6 billion
Apples in extreme heat
Researchers share how future heat will affect apple farming.
Connor Duim, a young grower from Zillah, Washington
Connor graduated from Wenatchee Valley College with a degree in sustainable agriculture. He’s the son of Sheryl and Mike Duim.
Codling moth control: The math on mating disruption
The most effective approaches for codling moth mating disruption are based on trapping data.
Progressive Pennsylvanians
Slaybaugh family’s “orchard facelift” targets modernizing and mechanizing.
A grower’s tale of sucker grafts and drive rows
California’s Jeff Colombini discusses growing techniques, economics.
Codling moth control: Back to biology
Pest experts detail scientific foundations to kick off Codling Moth Summit.
Willett: The past and future of codling moth control
Looking back on past success can help the industry meet current pest management challenges.
Jutsely Rivera, a young grower from Moxee, Washington
Jutsely is a second-generation farmer who earned an environmental studies and chemistry degree from Gonzaga University. She’s the daughter of Ana Valenzuela and Jose Rivera.
Electri-fried weed control trials underway
Oregon State University leads electric current project with potential for organic weed control in blueberries, apples and almonds.
New York faces a new reality with fire blight
State’s growers are dealing with frequent fire blight outbreaks.
How to check for apple bud damage on the tree — Video
Looking for apple bud damage? See how to quickly cut and evaluate apple buds on the tree and identify flower part damage.
Colorado replants and reimagines
Following a killing freeze, some family fruit farms are reconsidering their future.
Apple expectations
A Colorado fruit-growing family refocuses on apples — and cider.
Johanny Castro Chinchilla, a young grower from San José, Costa Rica
Johanny grew up working on a coffee farm and earned a bachelor’s degree in agronomy and a master’s degree in crop protection from the University of Costa Rica. He’s the son of Marea Elisa Chinchilla and Gerardo Castro.
Growing out of green spot
Growing evidence suggests green spot in WA 38 is similar to bitter pit, and incidence is declining as trees mature and settle down.
Growers huddle to discuss cold strategies
Snow covers cherry blossoms in Selah, Washington, on April 12, after a cold front brought
Research rebuild for Oregon tree fruit team
With new postharvest scientist, Hood River, Oregon, restaffs its research team.
New scientists, new research directions
USDA programs take on soil health and postharvest research for tree fruit and grapes.
Adams’ apples, plus peaches and pears
IFTA tours Pennsylvania: Fresh sales, high-density plantings and precision ag on display in Adams County.
IFTA digs into RAD
Researchers narrowing in on causes of rapid apple decline.
Oregon orchards needed for wasp release
Oregon State University entomologists have some parasitic wasps in need of a home. The researchers
Witherbee: Nutrition to tuition — A history of WAEF
Outgoing Washington Apple Education Foundation leader reflects on past, looks to future.
Blocking bees by netting trees
Nets can reduce fruit set by limiting pollination.
Proposed rule could mean cooling complications
Experts uncertain about how the FDA’s proposed ag water quality rule will impact orchardists.
Washington state to survey growers about perceptions of commodity commissions
The Washington State Auditor’s Office is conducting an audit of the effectiveness of the state’s
USApple publishes pollinator best-practices guide for apple growers
The U.S. Apple Association announced in a news release the publication of a new guide,
Precision decisions
From the Good Fruit Grower archives: Thinning apples with more confidence.
New stone fruit thinner now available
New product can reduce need for hand labor.
A vision in hand
Minnesota company offers handheld data gathering.
Phoning in precision
App-based approach collects data for each step of a precision crop load management process.
Computer eyes on the crop load
X-Vision system aids crop load management from blossom to harvest.