Roger Way, world-renowned apple breeder and professor emeritus of pomology at Cornell University, died June 2 in State College, Pennsylvania. He was 100 years old.
According to an article in the Cornell Chronicle, Way’s research on pollination and apple germplasm helped lead to the introduction of 16 apple varieties, seven cherry varieties and one elderberry variety to commercial growers and nurseries.
His Empire and Jonagold apple varieties received Outstanding Fruit Cultivar awards from the American Society for Horticultural Science in 1987 and 1988, respectively.
Way’s apple-related fame eventually earned him a bit of celebrity status, with regular appearances in the New York Times, a feature in People magazine, and on radio and television programs — including a Jeopardy question about apples.
To read more about Way’s life and career, read the Cornell Chronical article at news.cornell.edu/stories/2019/06/empire-apple-breeder-roger-way-dies-100.
—by Jonelle Mejica
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