The shows will go on(line)
Get the most out of your virtual conference experience.
Get the most out of your virtual conference experience.
Reflecting on the Washington State Tree Fruit Association’s busy 2020 and looking ahead at industry priorities for 2021.
This year’s WSTFA Annual Meeting and NW Hort Expo is going to a virtual platform.
Morning sessions also include FSMA readiness, bitter pit trials and cover crops.
Craft beer (yes, really) and technology emerge as central themes of the first session of the Washington State Tree Fruit Association’s Annual Meeting and NW Hort Show.
The Washington State Tree Fruit Association plans more education for workers and lawmakers.
WSTFA Annual Meeting keynote speaker offers new perspective for economic outlook.
Chair of WSTFA Annual Meeting looks at leading operations through challenging conditions.
Dozens of sessions planned for fruit crops and other topics.